Leave your Saniderm bandage on for 24 hours.
Remove bandage under running water.
Clean your tattoo with a mild, unscented soap and let it dry completely.
Apply a new Saniderm to your tattoo, and leave it on for up to 3-4 days.
Make sure to only remove bandage UNDER RUNNING WATER.
Remove bandage and heal your tattoo normally if you notice a negative reaction to your bandage (redness, itchiness, or irritation/rash around the edges of the bandage).
After removing second bandage, feel free to use an unscented hand lotion to counteract any dryness on or around your tattoo.
Remove the bandage after 1-2 hours.
Wash your tattoo with CLEAN HANDS, warm water, and unscented soap.
Pat dry with a clean towel and apply a thin layer of ointment with CLEAN HANDS.
Only apply ointment a couple of times per day.
After the tattoo has finished scabbing and peeling, switch to an unscented hand lotion and apply as needed.
The tattoo will appear cloudy and will be itchy after the peeling stage. This is normal and will pass when the tattoo is fully healed (about 6-8 weeks).
DO NOT touch your tattoo with dirty hands.
DO NOT pick at your tattoo.
DO NOT over-wash your tattoo (once per day is plenty).
DO NOT soak your tattoo, go swimming, or expose your new tattoo to excess sun until it is entirely finished scabbing and peeling (about 2 weeks).
With CLEAN HANDS, wash your new piercing with warm water and a mild liquid soap 3-5 times per day.
DO NOT spin or otherwise force your jewelry to move.
Three times per day, in 10 minute intervals, soak your new piercing in warm salt water : Mix ¼ tsp of non-iodized salt to 1 c of warm water.
For oral piercings, use ALCOHOL-FREE mouthwash three times per day & mix up a bottle of salt water to rinse your mouth anytime you eat or drink something that is not water.
AVOID tight clothing.
AVOID cleaning with cotton balls or q-tips.
AVOID soaking in bathtubs, hot tubs, pools, etc.
For oral piercings, AVOID drinking alcohol.